
“One of the best competitions I have ever entered”
James Carson – The Winds Of Time


“Directors Circle came through on everything they promised and more”
Natalie Tamski – In The Wind


“The people at this fest are the best, they rock”
Rick Weaver – The Crew


“The Directors Circle Film Fest gave me my start, my script it might still be sitting on my shelf!”
Thomas Engel – Once upon A Time


“A great festival with great people”
Bill Coffman – Chasing The Dream


“This fest rocked… the people couldn’t have been cooler! Great people, I’ll be back and yes that is a threat!”
Tom Croyle – Memories


“This new online screening thing they got going is the best, all my friends could check out my film…it was GREAT!”
Will Washburn – Why Me


“I was moved beyond words when I received the news my script won and from that point on the Directors Circle has given back to me much more than I could have expected.”
Alex Terrence – Revoked


“I was a script writing participant and one of the winners in the Directors Circle Film Fest. The officials at the Festival were helpful and courteous at all levels and made my experience pleasure. I take my hat off to the hard working staff who helped make this event such a success.”
Pat Jackson – More Than You


“The staff at Directors Circle Festival Of Shorts are fantastic.”
Lisa Marshal – In Times Of War